Archive for June 25th, 2009

It’s Official…The Garden and I are NOT on Speaking Terms

I’ve always known I didn’t have a particilarly  Green Thumb. In fact I think mine may be more of  purplish-black. I’m horrible with plants, I forget to water them, I forget about them in extreme tempuratures, I overfeed the little suckers until their roots are bright blue. But since we moved into the townhome and we have a little garden that was bare, I decided that I would give the plant thing another shot.

So, for Mother’s Day, my own mother and I headed to Linders Garden Center. The place is GIMUNGUS! I got lost and seperated from my mother and cried, seriously I really did, well except for the crying part. But we were in flower heaven! You name it, they have it. They even have ones that you couldn’t name and ones you didn’t even know had names.  I’m in love with these, but they are a little pricey.  We were being cheap that day and didn’t get them.  Instead, i got some pink and orange daisies, some yellow snapdragons and pink and yellow Dahlias. Oh, yeah, I also decied to try some Dahlia summer bulbs.  We got them all home, safe and sound. I dug up the garden, topped it off with some top soil and got to planting.  They looked B-E-A-utiful. I made sure to water them carefuly and that they were getting enough sunlight. I even watched the weather to check on frost advisories (they did get covered one night with Sassy Pants’ flannel sheets).   They were thriving.

The garden now…well, it’s rebelling. Only one of the 3 bulbs came up, my snap dragons have become bushes instead of tall and majestic (I even staked them), the Dahlias don’t last more than a day because the rabbits keep eating them, WEEDS have taken over in full force, i just can’t keep up and someone is snipping off my Daisies and taking them home! So, right now, the garden and I are NOT on speaking terms.

Add a comment June 25, 2009






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